2020 Parliamentary Elections and Women’s Political Participation
2020-06-12 10:50:20

NDI Georgia is pleased to invite you to a public webinar on 2020 Parliamentary Elections and Women’s Political Participation. 

The online webinar will be held on June 12 at 11:30 AM. Go to:

Simultaneous and sign language translation will be provided.  

At this virtual meeting, the leaders of various political parties will discuss their plans and vision on women’s political participation prior to the 2020 Parliamentary elections. In addition to the political parties, the ambassadors of the UK, Sweden and Norway as well as Lika Nadaraia a member of the CEDAW committee and Gender Task Force on Women’s Political Participation will also participate in the meeting. For the meeting participants, NDI Georgia will present the findings of public attitudes on the respective topic. Please see the attached agenda for more details.  

This event is funded by UK aid from the British people. 

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