EU announces new projects supporting vulnerable groups in the Covid-19 crisis
2020-06-03 11:00:33

The EU has announced three new projects supporting vulnerable groups cope with the Covid-19 crisis in Georgia.  The projects will support victims of domestic violence, IDPs, and persons with disabilities across Georgia and will be implemented by civil society partners Women’s Information Center, Coalition for Independent Living, and IDP Women Association "Consent".

“The EU has stood by Georgia from the very beginning of the crisis and will continue to do so. The well-being of persons especially vulnerable to the pandemic will remain a particular focus area as we develop our Covid-19 related assistance to Georgia. We have mobilised resources as quickly as possible, and today I am happy to announce three important new projects supporting victims of domestic violence, internally displaced persons, and persons with disabilities. The projects will be implemented country wide by experienced and dedicated civil society organisations with whom we look forward to working closely in the coming months.” noted Carl Hartzell, EU Ambassador to Georgia.

The projects were selected as part of a rapid response call for proposals announced by the EU to assist with the Covid-19 crisis.

They were part of wider support to vulnerable groups measures included in the first support package the EU provided to Georgia on Covid-19 (more here), and reflect the concerns raised in the EU local statement on gender equality and the protection of vulnerable groups in Georgia in the Covid-19 context (here).
Project details:

“Increase support to victims of domestic violence during the COVID-19 crisis” implemented by Women’s Information Center.

Mass isolation and curfews such as under COVID19 increase the risk of domestic violence in general. In addition, in Georgia, many women are not aware of support services available.  This project will provide legal and psychological online and phone support, raise awareness of available government domestic violence support services, and work with municipalities to develop response plans.  It will focus on Shida Kartli and Samegrelo, including IDP and conflict affected populations.

“Supporting Persons with Disabilities during Covid-19 Crisis Implementer: Coalition for Independent Living. 

Covid-19 related preventive measures have limited vital government social services and restricted travel for family or care givers. Many persons with disabilities need support for to access essential goods like food or medicine, and/or medical services.  There is also a lack of Covid specific information for persons with disabilities.  This project will fill the gap and provide support to disabled communities through Mobile Outreach Team services in Adjara, Guria, Imereti, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti and Shida Kartli regions and increase access to disability specific information across the country. 

 “Increased resilience and human security for IDPs and other conflict affected population. Implementer: IDP Women Association "Consent"

IDP communities are often more economically vulnerable and remotely located away from stores and pharmacies. This leaves them strongly affected by decreases in economic activity or quarantine measures.  This project will work with IDP communities in Samegrelo, Imereti, Shida Kartli, Kvemo Kartli, and Racha Lechhumi and provide humanitarian support, training, psychological and medical support to help communities with early recovery.
For more information, please contact:

  • Tamriko Mikadze, Press and Information Officer, Delegation of the European Union to Georgia, 032 294 37 63(link sends e-mail), sends e-mail) 
  • Ana Kabzinadze, Senior Governance Coordinator, EU4Georgia phase III, 577 777 163, sends e-mail)
  • Elene Rusetskaia, Women’s Information Center, 599 561 733, sends e-mail)                
  • Natia Kostava-555 112141, sends e-mail);
  • Ana Tsitsagi, Coalition for Independent Living, 599 086 881, sends e-mail)
  • Julia Kharashvili, IDP Women Association "Consent", 591 116 020,
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